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All-New Avenger #6: The Return of Steel Trent Steel

          LAST TIME IN ALL-NEW AVENGER: Vengy is not here, so let me tell you a story, reader. There is an earth, far away from ours in the multiverse, designated Earth #42. Vengy has been there and as far as he could tell, it was perfect. There wasn't any crime, and any minor infractions were handled quickly by that Earth's Avenger, the luck-powered Paragon. But even a perfect Earth has its imperfections.  What Earth would bring a creature to life, for example, only to immediately cause it great suffering. That was the tale of Steel Trent Steel , a sheet of steel brought to life by lightning, before being molded into a beam. If you've never had that happen to you before, trust me, it hurts.  Steel Trent Steel learned a lot about himself. He learned he could move and he could somehow talk. Unfortunately he was used as a piece of infrastructure, and this was something he didn't agree with. Using his favorite swear word, he offended many passersby until ...

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